Evening Time Is Reading Time

Location: Korte Smeestraat
Artist: Allen Ruppersberg

‘Evening Time Is Reading Time' is a special light artwork. Its origins can be traced back to the ‘Nachtregels-Night Lines’ project in 1991 by Utrecht's Centraal Museum. At the time, American artist Allen Ruppersberg talked to a number of residents living on Korte Smeestraat and discovered that some of them were engaged in rather peculiar activities, which he highlighted by way of personal signs on 20 houses. As in much of his work, Ruppersberg took 'real life' as his starting point and created an artwork that lies on the border of the private and the public. His style harks back to advertisements from the 1960s.

Discover more about the light artworks of Utrecht Lumen.


Evening Time Is Reading Time

Korte Smeestraat

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