International Literature Festival Utrecht – ILFU

ILFU (International Literature Festival Utrecht) is an annual festival and a daily online platform for literature. For our festival we bring the world’s best writers to Utrecht and on we publish new stories and poems every day to help you understand the world better. ILFU is the biggest literature festival in the Netherlands and takes place over two weeks in September every year. Recurring parts of the festival are the ‘Belle van Zuylen’ lecture, the YALFU (Young Adult Literature Festival Utrecht), Exploring Stories (literature on the major themes of our time) and the Dutch Championships Poetry Slam. The festival ends every year with the famous ‘Nacht van de Poëzie’ (Night of Poetry).

The heart of the festival is TivoliVredenburg where most of the programs take place but there are also programs in various other locations in Utrecht, a UNESCO City of Literature.



Achter de Dom 14
3512 JP Utrecht


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