
The Bruntenhof is the communal garden of De Bruntskameren, a complex of fifteen self-contained apartments. This picturesque garden is situated in Utrecht’s city centre and has a rich history dating back centuries.


In 1621, a lawyer named Frederik Brunt commissioned the construction of 15 studio apartments in the grounds of his house, Klein Lepelenburg. These homes were intended for poor widows. In addition to free accommodation, these women were also provided with food and fuel. Between 1979 and 1981, the buildings underwent extensive refurbishment, but a lot of original details – such as the box beds – were preserved.

Incidentally, under a will that dates back to 1742, the Brunt estate still gives money to poor or infirm elderly citizens four times a year.


The communal garden that forms part of the complex is called De Bruntenhof, a quiet courtyard full of lush plants and flowers. In 1979, a statue was erected in the garden to commemorate the writer C.S.S. Crone.

Tour of Utrecht’s hidden courtyards

Would you like to go on a walk past all the hidden courtyards and gardens tucked away in Utrecht’s city centre? Get a route map at the Utrecht Tourist Information Centre on Dom Square for only €3 or join a guided tour.


Bruntenhof 0 0
3512 Utrecht